Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Do you sleep too much? What type of work do you do? How many times do you eat at the restaurant during the week? Do you eat according to your mood? Are you stressed? Are you happy? Do the people you hang around have bad eating habits? This list could go on and on but I think you get the picture. If you answered yes to 3 or more of these questions, you need to think about making some serious lifestyle changes and start forming new habits that will benefit you in the long run. It’s not easy but if you really care about yourself and you really want to feel good during the time you have here on earth, you will do it takes! Your weight affects your self-esteem, your self-esteem affects your attitude; your attitude affects your behavior; and your behavior affects the people around you; which may be that sweet little child of yours that doesn’t understand why mommy is so angry or that wife/husband of yours that just want the person that he/she married. 



 Take authority!!!


Monday, January 13, 2014

This is the year of excellent results, and the time is now!

This will be the year that you accomplish all of your weight loss desires, if you take action! This is not the year for excuses, laziness, bad habits, eating disorders, and failure. However, if you expect nothing, you will get nothing! It's time for you to take full responsibility for your eating behavior. It's time you take control of your body and feel good about yourself again. You've been in this situation for way too long. 2014 is the year that you are going to eat right, feel right, and look right. I believe you can do it and so should you. This month, lets focus on exercise and detox. Find a local mall near you, first thing in the morning, and walk around the entire mall as you window shop, for 30 minutes. This will be great for your heart rate and legs. Once you get home, run up and down your steps, 4 times per hour. This will burn calories and tone those beautiful legs of yours. As for detox, choose one day out of the week,
and drink pure/organic Green Tea(caffeine free) for the entire day. Drink at least 6 cups, while drinking 1 cup of pure water between each serving. This will flush your entire system, slim your tummy and decrease your water weight. Furthermore, you will feel a lot better and your energy will increase. If you must eat, have fruit and veggies only. More importantly, be safe and listen to your body. Overall, do something! don't just sit around and accept obesity. Take authority over your situation; you know what you desire and how you want to look. Start setting goals to move towards your destiny!!!

Thursday, January 02, 2014

This is the year of excellent results, and the time is now!

This will be the year that you accomplish all of your weight loss desires, if you take action! This is not the year for excuses, laziness, bad habits, eating disorders, and failure. However, if you expect nothing, you will get nothing! It's time for you to take full responsibility for your eating behavior. It's time you take control of your body and feel good about yourself again. You've been in this situation for way too long. 2014 is the year that you are going to eat right, feel right, and look right. I believe you can do it and so should you. This month, lets focus on exercise and detox. Find a local mall near you, first thing in the morning, and walk around the entire mall as you window shop, for 30 minutes. This will be great for your heart rate and legs. Once you get home, run up and down your steps, 4 times per hour. This will burn calories and tone those beautiful legs of yours. As for detox, choose one day out of the week,
and drink pure/organic Green Tea(caffeine free) for the entire day. Drink at least 6 cups, while drinking 1 cup of pure water between each serving. This will flush your entire system, slim your tummy and decrease your water weight. Furthermore, you will feel a lot better and your energy will increase. If you must eat, have fruit and veggies only. More importantly, be safe and listen to your body. Overall, do something! don't just sit around and accept obesity. Take authority over your situation; you know what you desire and how you want to look. Start setting goals to move towards your destiny!!!



