Thursday, March 15, 2018

Did you know that just 15 minutes a day could get you closer to your weight loss goals, in less than 30 days? Challenge yourself for the next 30 days by making the following adjustments. Start off by using the stairs instead of the elevator when in large buildings(don't over do it). Replace pop and juice with health shakes, water and Crystal Light. Choose a exercise of your choice for 15 minutes each day, faithfully! Replace one of your daily meals with a bowl of healthy cereal or salad. More importantly, drink as much water as possible each day.  I guarantee that you will see a huge difference with your weight and feel better about yourself!

Let's focus on detoxing for the next few days. Detoxification means cleaning the blood. Toxins are processed for elimination in the liver, kidneys, intestines, lymph, and the list goes on. Detoxing the body is basically internal bathing. Creativity has allowed us so many ways to detox. My favorite is the raw food diet, while incorporating plenty of water. The diet includes eating only fruits and vegetables. Another way to detox is the Master Cleanser, known also as the beverage of Stanley Burroughs. This detox includes 2 tablespoons of real lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of organic maple syrup and one-tenth teaspoon of cayenne pepper in 8 ounces of purified water. For those of you who can, fasting from all food for 3 days, drinking nothing but water, is another well known method of detoxing. It doesn't really mater which way you choose to detox. What matters is that you come to the realization that you must detox and do whatever you need to do to take care of your body! Live right, eat right, and look good!